Scorn and defiance; slight regard, contempt…

Alexis Herrera
2 min readMar 31, 2019


Leonard Baskin [ca. 1970]

Southampton. A council chamber.

King Henry:

Alas, your too much love and care of me
Are heavy orisons ‘gainst this poor wretch!
If little faults, proceeding on distemper,
Shall not be wink’d at, how shall we stretch our eye
When capital crimes, chew’d, swallow’d and digested,
Appear before us?


But, O,
What shall I say to thee, Lord Scroop? thou cruel,
Ingrateful, savage and inhuman creature!
Thou that didst bear the key of all my counsels,
That knew’st the very bottom of my soul,
That almost mightst have coin’d me into gold,
Wouldst thou have practised on me for thy use…


Such and so finely bolted didst thou seem:
And thus thy fall hath left a kind of blot,
To mark the full-fraught man and best indued
With some suspicion
. I will weep for thee;
For this revolt of thine, methinks, is like
Another fall of man.

[Henry V, Act II, Scene 3]

Se dice que la víspera de su muerte recibió este saludo de Muirchertach, rey en Dublín:

“Que de tus muchos días ninguno brille como el día de mañana.
Porque ese día será el último. Te lo juro, rey Magnus.
Porque antes que se borre su luz, te venceré y te borraré…”




Alexis Herrera

— No me traicionen con la piedad. Seré un hombre hasta el fin.